Two inspiring Americans to read about today:
I. Saving a Kashmiri Village After Remaking His Life, NYT, June 25 2009, tells the story of Todd Shea and his hospital, Comprehensive Disaster Relief Services, in Chikar. There is a video-essay attached to the story that you should watch. Shea's flickr stream. And a link for you to donate directly to his effort.
II. Kathy Kelly and a group of volunteers have just returned from a visit to Pakistan where they toured some of the IDP camps. They belong to Voices for Creative Non-Violence. You can read their reports on the site but I want to highlight Kelly's latest, Now We See You, Now We Don't. There are also photo galleries from their visit.
Hear! Hear! And if you haven't seen these photos:
the white giveth and the white man taketh away
We must commend those who have attempted to bring the truth to the American people. Such voices of reason — of truth and justice — gives one the hope for humanity. Kathy Kelly, is one such unsung heroes that keep probing to get to the thrust of the real problem. In the article linked here, she concluded: “They must be asking themselves, who are the terrorists?” A blogger (Johnny Hempseed) from U.S. post a reply: “Your last line is a question we in the U.S. should have been asking every day since .....1492. Peace” Maybe our desi “brown sahib” draws some lessons from the true heroes of our time!
[...] Mystery highlights two inspiring Americans who are helping the IDPs in Pakistan. Cancel this [...]
grab it when he decides to give
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