Doing some research, I came across an official Pakistan government publication celebrating the 5 year anniversary of its existence. I scanned a few of the adverts in the issue. The paper I am writing concerns the "long history" of Pakistan such that allowed Mortimer Wheeler's Five Thousand Years of Pakistan: An Archaeological Outline (1950) to become a standard account of pre-Partition "Pakistan". Here, the ads themselves speak towards the need to assert the primacy of the Pakistani history.
Here are some other, random, images. Enjoy!
[...] Ahmed got visual this month: circa 1950 Adverts from a Pakistani anglophone pictorial weekly, including a bad history book of some interest. Also [...]
The google book and magazine search is a priceless place to discover things like LIFE magazine issues and other publications from 1940's onwards. Things we've hardly seen before. You need to go to the advanced search and give a date range and choose magazines.
Is there a date on this magazine? I didn't see on in the scans here.
Aug 1953
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Huma Imtiaz, Azeema Faizunnisa, Bushra, Pradeep Kumar, Saba Imtiaz and others. Saba Imtiaz said: From @sepoy's blog - old Pakistani advertisements {{site.baseurl}}archives/homistan/thousands_of_years.html [...]