Sunday Reading for Previews

Posted by sepoy on September 10, 2006 · 1 min read

I _promise_ that CM will return to form soon enough. Been mulling over the cricket post for a while - though it keeps mutating. Keeping with the theme of promises of posts ahead, today's list:

  • In anticipation of my cricket post, I would recommend this explanation of ball swing.
  • Jonathan Dresner told me about the Exhibition of Holocaust Cartoons. About as original and thought provoking as the Danish cartoons. I did get a chuckle out of this one. Mostly for the usage of the Microsoft file system. But, more on these cartoons later.
  • Martin Amis has a three-parter in The Guardian: one, two and three. I present it sans analysis for now. One is forthcoming.
  • Dave Davisson has a wonderful manifesto for us: The Patahistory Manifesto. Much to like, discuss. Will.

In the meantime, I am going to be in UK this week. If any readers want to meet up, a bunch of us will be here Wed. night. In my absence, some one else may chime in.

ps. as to my traveling plans for tomorrow, here is what I expect.


lapata | September 10, 2006

Are you the blonde?