Saw King Kong on Friday. I must have been 9 or 10, maybe younger, when my father took me to see King Kong at the Doha Cinema. It is a particularly cherished memory because that was my first outing with my father and I felt...special. I remember little of King Kong since then, just that a giant python was ripped in two. About this version, I liked it a lot. Peter Jackson is the Cecil B. DeMille of the age of digital cinema. The only thing that gave me slight hesitation was the depiction of the natives. They were, um, a bit 'exotic' even though the movie itself has been de-racinated. In any case, go see it. The middle hour is jaw-dropping thrill with some brilliant PJ-moments of black humor. On an unrelated note, as I type this, The Chosen One is giving his fifth Iraq speech in three weeks. He is sitting behind his desk. I am getting serious Nixon vibes right now. Serious.
I second both the general quality of King Kong, and the concerns about the natives (good review at npr). Regarding the natives, it was interesting that he first displayed them as overly-caricatured himself, and then had Denim portray them as overly caricatured.
Sepoy, Check this article [Will Cohu reviews Sahib: the British Soldier in India by Richard Holmes.]