Lahore Snaps II: Where We Lived

Posted by sepoy on March 26, 2008 · 1 min read

Old Quarters Sadr
Old Quarters Sadr
Noor Mahal Hotel
Back of Regal Cinema

Ancient Lahore is nigh invisible. Old Lahore lumbers on around the inner city. Sometimes, yellow walls and wooden frames peek at us in unexpected places, reminding us that they still await our gaze and our warmth. These are the ghosts that haunt Lahore.

Previously: Lahore Snaps I: Games We Play ...


Qalandar | March 26, 2008

Wonderfully evocative pictures...thanks for posting

بدتمیز | March 26, 2008

post some picture while wandering around at night time, I loved being a ghost, walkin over there my self in summer nights.

Desi Italiana | March 27, 2008

Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or do those streets look clean and orderly relative to the "rooftop of the world?" If so, I am moving to Lahore.