See what the world is searching for

Posted by sepoy on May 11, 2006 · 1 min read

Some fun with Google Trends:

  • Islam: And they say Muslims aren't inquisitive about their faith. Look at the top four. Those countries are _not_ in the Middle East people. I know it is hard to fathom Muslims outside the Middle East.
  • Terrorism: Top city: Washington, D.C. And look at Region. Pakistan leads [as always!].
  • Sex: Pakistan! And Delhi!
  • Democracy: Surprisingly, no city outside of the US is inquisitive about democracy. Was Ahmedinejad right?
  • Religion: Looks like he was! At least as far as the Americas and Australia are concerned.

Your turn.


O Silent Escort | May 12, 2006

google trends... A new tool at google lets you examine recent trends in searching: ( privacy - Italy seems most concerned about privacy issues. US not so much. terrorism - Pakistan seems concerned about terrorism. US not so much. global warming -....

Zack | May 14, 2006

Some other trends: Nuclear Technology: Pakistan #1. Missile: Pakistan #1. Biotechnology: India #1, Malaysia #2, Pakistan #3.

Zak | May 16, 2006

Jihad almost all the cities are American lol