Nicholas Schmidle

Posted by sepoy on January 11, 2008 · 1 min read

For crying out loud. Hadh hoti hay. Our mango republic, ran by the Dictator Formerly Known As The General, has lost its mind.

I have often highlighted the reports and writings of Nicholas Schmidle, a freelance journalist, reporting from Pakistan on numerous occasions. I have often exchanged emails with him. He was, contra majority, writing, researching and engaging directly with the turmoil gripping that nation. Something that I admired and respected in him.

I say "was" because he was deported from the country by the government, Steve Clemons reported today. [thanks e.]

His sin, according to Clemons, may be that his recent piece in the NYT magazine, Next Gen Taliban was deemed offensive.

I can, off the top of my head, list a thousand things more offensive in Pakistan at this moment. Schmidle's piece doesn't make the list.

I am too angry to really pretend having that academic distance my gentle readers expect from me.


elizabeth | January 11, 2008

Between this and the e-crime bill, the parallel to mid-2000's Zimbabwe you raised a few months back starts to seem ever more bleakly prescient. 'from whom to expect justice?' indeed.

Akbar | January 11, 2008

Re.. Hadh hoti hay. Our mango republic, ran by the Dictator Formerly Known As The General, has lost its mind. COMMENT: Close to the edge? —Abbas Rashid Daily Times 1/12/08 "Postscript: US support for democracy in Pakistan has been rather neatly put into perspective by figures on US assistance to Pakistan reportedly computed by Hussain Haqqani: since 1954, the US has provided Pakistan with assistance to the tune of $21 billion. Of this $17.7 was provided under military rule and $3.4 under civilian rule." It is all our Tax Dollars at work