It all began on April 8th, 2004....this Chapati adventure. Year One. Year Two. And now it is the end of Year Three!
That it still continues is rather astounding to me. My wholehearted thanks to the amazing contributers - lapata, farangi, dacoit, bulleyah - and to all of my thoughtful, engaging and gentle readers and commenters.
But the credit for CM surviving it's third year goes entirely to the artist and blogger extraordinaire, lapata.
If you have enjoyed a single post on CM since July 2006, gentle reader, thank lapata. I was going to close shutters here - for various reasons. And it has been her involvement, her awesome posts and her amazing humor that has kept me going.
I have something to say - maybe entirely too much and maybe entirely too messy - about my experience as an 'academic blogger'. Look forward to that post. In the meantime, join me as I wish CM a happy birthday...and thank lapata and farangi for being here for all of us.
Let's see if we make it another year.
Yay! hamaari har waqt yahi aasha hai ki CM phule phale, (chapatiyan banti rahen?) aur chai ka session jari rahe. Happy anniversary (I refuse to say blogiversary).
year three! wow! I know you have many and more things to blog about, but my personal number one request for cm year four is a blog about baba peter shah and the punjabi totay. only you can do them justice!
happy anniversary! and hurrah to lapata (who i'm hoping might license that awesome ataturk portrait for a book cover someday) for ensuring that the show's continued to go on. we're glad y'all are still here.
felicitations, mon ami. may the greatest avatar yet of the recurring vertiginous chapati continue to baffle and edify the people.
Heartiest Congratulations! And many thanks to Lapata....your analysis of Cheney's abbreviated smile was quite entertaining. Is this a sick joke? CM going under? Never. Good blogging must prevail...and while I'm at it, I implore sepoy to post, post more. Perhaps you are not stuck behind an office desk all day and are not privy to the trials of locating decent blogs on the internet...and frankly, though there exist many a fine blog, CM outshines them all like the sun outshines a candle and unlike my metaphor here which outshines nothing.
Mazel Tov!
Hi, Another desi lurker here. I have enjoyed the chapati and its mysteries quite a bit, and hope that it will continue for a while longer. Happy Anniversary!
A big hug for lapata, who deserves all the love Sepoy throws her way. Also, a big middle finger for Sepoy for threatening to bail.