AHA Wrap: Low Calories Version

Posted by sepoy on January 04, 2009 · 1 min read

As professional meetups go, AHA is less painful than COMDEX but slightly worse off, sartorially speaking (some of these sweaters - sheesh!). For the first time, in a long while, I attended panels and listened to scholars and thought about their words. My favorite panel was a Silver Jubilee retrospective of Guha's Elementary Aspects of Peasant Insurgency in Colonial India by Ranajit Guha - the book that launched a thousand careers. I especially appreciated the historiography of Gramsci (and later, the Subaltern Studies collective) in Latin America sketched by Greg Grandin. I hope I see it in print soon.

The AHA will have, for the first time, a South Asianist as the President this year, Barbara Metcalf. And we also have a new caucus/affiliated organization Society for Advancing the History of South Asia which hopefully will have a new web-presence soon and may even do insane things like contribute to the Archives wiki. Yeah? If you work on South Asia history, and this is news to you, please get in touch with Manu Bhagavan. Exciting.

Unluckily, I also got the flu. So much of the last two days have been spent hunkering deep inside my soul for any warmth.


sarahjane | January 04, 2009

get better, sepoy!!